I have continued my commitment to making and posting a piece of art every day during February. After making 31 little mixed media paintings in January, I decided to focus on just one aspect of my art practice during February. I decided that all of the art that I made would be created using only the process of print. This included gel plate printing, block printing and printing with found objects.
And for the first 6 pieces I set myself the goal of working only in black, white and grey. This limited palette produced some really interesting pieces. Had I not taken the time to slow down and limit my process, I would probably never have discovered what was possible with these monotone prints.

After that I started bringing colour back in. I experimented with printing on different substrates, including rice paper, tissue paper and mixed-media paper. I had a go at carving some very basic printing blocks and used them in my work. I also used lots of found objects, such as cardboard tubes and plastic packaging, to create printed elements.
I may work back into these pieces with paint and collage at a later date. For now I'm just happy to use them as inspiration for the bigger pieces of work that I will soon be making. If you would like to see all of my art of the day pieces, you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook. In March I am focusing on collage and I will let you know how that goes in a month's time.