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  • Writer's pictureSue Pickering

News, Muse & Inspiration 2: #oneofmanypostcards

I love making art and would happily do it all day, everyday (well, most days) and not bother trying to sell any of it. What would be even better is if there was some way to help to make the world a better place, while making all of this art. Luckily for me, a fantastic printmaker called John Pedder has come up with an idea that allows me to do just that. It is called #oneofmanypostcards.

John describes the #oneofmanypostcards initiative like this

"You simply make something, anything, put it on your feed and ask if people would like one on the understanding that when they receive it, they consider how much they would have paid for it and if they can afford it, donate that amount to a charity which is close to their own heart. That’s it!"

I am taking part in this project for the first time this year. From a selfish point of view, making a series of postcard-sized pieces of work has been a good way to get the year going after the disruption of Christmas and Covid. I have made 4 sets of 6 pieces. Each is a unique mixed media painting that uses the processes that I use in all my bigger work: print, paint and collage.

If you would like to receive one of these pieces in the post, email me at: with your name and postal address. Posting date is 14th February 2022. Once you receive you artwork, please make a donation to a charity of your choice. Many thanks!

Please feel free to follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see what I'm posting there.

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